Tuesday 2 April 2013

Upgrade your Tape and hook curtains into a more modern version.

How to convert your old tape and hook curtain
drops into ones that fit onto a modern curtain rod.
About 2 months ago I was moaning to my friend Mel about how old and ugly my curtain rails had become and that they needed to be replaced. I knew it was going to be a difficult and expensive task, and there wasn’t a budget for 16 new drops on top of the rods I wanted. Mel then gave me this very clever and free way of using these same and still rather nice curtains on the new rods.

So I pulled down one of the drops and tried it, here is how it is done!

1.     Take your drop that you want to convert and remove all the hooks

2.    Once that’s done, cut the end of the strings at the end of the tape (where the knot is)

3.    From the other end pull the strings to remove them.

4.    You should now have a drop with just the white (or cream) tape still attached to the curtain, but no strings to create that gathered effect.

5.    OK here is the important part. Take a quick-un-pick or scissors to remove the sewn seam on each the side of the tape (NOT the top and bottom) and trim any excess cotton (do not pull the threads)

6.    Once this is done it creates a “tunnel” that the pole can be inserted through.

Bye for now


DIY recorder bag

Hi guys. I found this wonderful Recorder Bag tutorial at The Crafty Mummy a few weeks ago and decided to make it for Lara (my eldest), who has just begun Recorder lessons. She was so chuffed and couldn't wait to show it off to her music teacher to Miss Jane.
I decided to use a more decorative stitch for the edging and it turned out great.
Have a wonderful easter, safe travelling and I'll be back soon:)
Bye for now

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Directional Alphabet - Using Stickers

My eldest daughter has just begun learning her alphabet and is thoroughly enjoying the challenge. When I had her in my Toptots workshop over the weekend, I wanted to try something different to keep the interest going, so I made up a sticker worksheet to help with the directional aspect. Well it was a hit to say the least and eventually got my 2 and a half year old involved too. You could even try using sequencing colours to add to the fun.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Going Fishing


I’ve been trying to figure out for ages how I could put together a magnetic fishing rod for my girls to catch their paper clip fishes with. I had tried a few different designs such as the magnet on the fish, but found the magnet was too heavy for the rod to pick up. I also tried a dowel attached to a magnet with a hole in the centre to thread string through. This worked for a while until my then, 2 year old daughter dropped it on the paving and it smashed! Oh...no! What drama that caused.
One morning in the in our local haberdashery, I walked past some denim buttons and it hit me, I had thought of normal buttons but these would be perfect and neat!

Here is how it was done and what you will need:

30cm of wooden dowel (not to thin though)

1 long shoe lace any thickness

1 denim button

1 magnet

And your glue gun.

1) Create a hole using a screw or nail deep enough for the plastic end of the lace to be inserted.

2) Cut the lace in half

3) Thread the plastic end of the lace through the flat part of the button until the end is just visable from the side.

4) Take a little hot glue and "soak" the cut end of the lace, add a little more glue and attach the magnet.

5) Once the magnet is attached, push the plastic end of the lace into the hole made earlier. If the hole is a little big, squeeze some glue before you push the lace in.

Completed kiddies fishing rod.
Denim button after threading the lace through, then attaching the magnet with hot glue.

Dowel stick after creating the hole and pushing the lace into place